Contract shall be valid and remain in force for_______ (____) years from the Date of Effectiveness. At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void. 本合同有效期自合同生效之日起为年。按照普通法,未成年人签订的合同除有效合同外就是可撤销合同或无效合同。
If the insured intends to hide or mislead anything, which will be regarded as fraud, the contract is voidable. 如果投保人有意隐瞒任何事情,或故意误导,其行为都被视为欺诈,因此保险合同无效。
This contradiction can be solved and the parties can be protected better when such contract is provided as voidable contract. 将以欺诈、胁迫或乘人之危订立的劳动合同规定为可撤销合同可以解决这一矛盾,并能够更好地保护当事人的利益。
Analysing some views about the voidableness of offer and promise, this dissertation draws a conclusion that the electronic contract is still voidable. 分析比较了对电子合同要约和承诺撤销的各种看法,并认为不应否认电子合同要约和承诺的可撤销性。
Voidable contract, in scheduled period, is not a valid contract, nor are prospect valid contract and voidable contract but a relatively valid contract with incomplete validity. 可撤销合同在除斥期间,既非有效合同,亦非效力待定合同,更不是无效合同,而是一种相对有效的效力不完全的另类合同。
For the void contract or voidable contract, the possible remedies include restitution and paying tor the damages. 合同无效或被撤销后,有关当事人要求承担返还财产、赔偿损失等民事责任。
It points out that to clarify contract is the basis of processing the contract problems and analyzes exhaustively the special principles and methods of contract processing during reorganization, especially researches into the methods of processing the executory contracts and voidable contracts. 指出了合同清理是处理合同问题的基础,详尽分析了重整过程中处理合同问题的特殊原则和方法,其中着重探究了待履行合同和可撤销合同的处理方法。